With the increase in Anti-Asian violence worldwide, there are many ways we can support our students. Here is a brief list:
- Share images below with students and on your social media platforms.
- Attend OCAT’s upcoming Green Table featuring APIDA (Asian Pacific Islander Desi American) student voices. Let’s LISTEN and LEARN!
- Invite students to drop by OCAT’s Virtual Office Hours (Monday-Friday) 1:00PM-3:00PM (ZOOM ID: ocatmsu, Pass: ocat)
- Encourage students to attend an upcoming APIDA listening circle facilitated by CAPS (See flyer below)

Please join us for the next edition of OCAT’s Green Table where we will listen to the voices of our Asian, Pacific Islander, Desi American (APIDA) student leaders as we recognize APIDA Heritage Month.*
Friday, March 26, 2021 (11:00AM—12noon)
ZOOM ID: ocatmsu
Passcode: ocat (all lowercase)
Join a diverse group of Asian, Pacific Islander, Desi American (APIDA) students as they share their stories as student leaders at Michigan State University. MSU APIDA students are 1st generation, adoptees, multiracial, multi-lingual, members of the LGBTQ+ community, parents, veterans, among many other identities and are in need of resources to support their student success.
This APIDA Heritage Month edition of OCAT’s Green Table centers the experience of APIDA student leaders as they navigate an anti-Asian pandemic environment. But, let’s be clear. An anti-Asian environment did not begin with the pandemic. Join us to listen, learn, and empower our MSU student leaders. This episode is especially geared toward MSU faculty, staff, and administrators.
The Asian Pacific American Student Organization (APASO) is a member of CORES (Council of Racial & Ethnic Students) alongside Black Students’ Alliance (BSA), Culturas de las Razas Unidas (CRU), and North American Indigenous Student Organization (NAISO). CORES in partnership with COPS (Council of Progressive Students) are instrumental in the fight for the free-standing multicultural center at MSU. Without the activism of students and student organizations like these groups, many DEI related programs and initiatives would not exist at MSU. To read more about the fight against exclusion to create a more inclusive environment at MSU, visit: https://ocat.msu.edu/ocat-history/

*APIDA Heritage month, or more accurately, Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month is officially designated as the month of May. However, members of the MSU APIDA community have chosen to celebrate our heritage in March to coincide with the MSU Academic calendar

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.