Maximizing Academic Growth In College (MAGIC)

Success at MSU begins with M.A.G.I.C.
Learning how to effectively navigate MSU is critical to a student’s college success.
Incoming Michigan State University students often underestimate the many challenges students face when making the transition from high school to college. Regardless of how successful a student has been in high school, “college” is a new experience. Therefore, helping students learn how to effectively “navigate” through a big university like MSU is critical to a student’s college success. MAGIC (Maximizing Academic Growth in College) is coordinated by the Office of Cultural & Academic Transitions (OCAT) and is designed to be a one-week experience for admitted incoming MSU students who have already completed their NSO (New Student Orientation) experience. MAGIC gives students a chance to begin the process of becoming a successful Spartan during the summer, before classes begin in August.
Summer 2022 Dates TBA:
[Complete online application here.]
Due to COVID 19, this traditionally one-week in-person program will again be virtual for one week [TBD]. Students will be introduced to academic, cultural, professional and social success strategies. Specifically, students will participate in workshops focused on college success such as “Roadmap to Success,” “Making a Successful Transition to College,” “Living a HEALTHY College Life,” and “Creating an Inclusive Living and Learning Environment.” Students will also network and build relationships with each other, peer mentors, faculty/staff and community partners ALL before the first day of school. When students return to campus, they are ready and prepared for the academic and social rigors of college life.