Inclusive Policies, Procedures and Processes

ICI Inclusive Policies, Procedures and Processes Committee The core workgroup is Matea Caluk (Prevention, Outreach and Education Department), Meaghan Kozar (ICI Project Manager), Dreux Baker (Residence Education and Housing Services), Ryan Smith (Office of the University Ombudsperson), Stephanie Chau (College of Agriculture and Natural Resources), and Shelby Gombosi (Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities).

Description This committee is addressing student and MSU community’s concerns related to policies, procedures and processes. This may include coordinating communication regarding education and awareness of policies, supporting revisions, feedback and edits of current policy, or supporting with recommending new policies, procedures and processes.

Purpose To assure that policies, procedures and processes are equitably created, implemented and applied. Campus community members are encouraged to bring thoughts or ideas regarding current or potential policies, procedures and processes that should be considered from the lens of equity and inclusion. Current topics in this committee include donor accountability policy, anti-discrimination policy and data disaggregation policy.

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Working Document (Meeting Schedule, Feedback and Notes)


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