
Coronavirus Relief Aid Available (MSU CARES4Students Grant)

The MSU CARES4Students Grant application is now available in StuInfo. Students must be eligible for federal financial aid to apply. For additional information and eligibility requirements regarding the MSU CARES4Students Grant, please view the Frequently Asked Questions.

Visit Office of Financial Aid for more information on ways to support your MSU experience.

CARES ACT: Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund

(U.S. Department of Education)

Please refer to the posted instructions below on navigating the grants.gov website and uploading Certificates of Agreement, and please refer to the Secretary’s letter below for guidance regarding distribution and usage of these funds. 

Student Aid | Institutional Portion | Historically Black Colleges and Universities |
American Indian Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities | *Minority Serving Institutions |
|*Strengthening Institutions Program | Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education |

*Minority Serving Institutions include institutions that would be eligible to participate in the following programs: Predominantly Black Institutions, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian-Serving Institutions, Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institutions, Native American-Serving Nontribal Institutions, Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program, and Promoting Postbaccalaureate Opportunities for Hispanic Americans.

*Strengthening Institutions include institutions that are not participating in the other MSI programs but have at least 50 percent of their degree students receiving need-based assistance under Title IV of the Higher Education Act or have a substantial number of enrolled students receiving Pell Grants, and have low educational and general expenditures.

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund – Student Aid

Information for Students 

The CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund-IHE/Student Aid provides funding to institutions to provide emergency financial aid grants to students whose lives have been disrupted, many of whom are facing financial challenges and struggling to make ends meet. Students cannot apply for assistance directly from the U.S. Department of Education but should contact their institutions for further information and guidance. Institutions have the responsibility of determining how grants will be distributed to students, how the amount of each student grant is calculated, and the development of any instructions or directions that are provided to students about the grant.

The funding opportunity number is ED-GRANTS-041020-003. If you have questions concerning this program, please submit them via e-mail to HEERF@ed.gov., or by phone, at 202-377-3711.

Guidance on How to Apply for Funding-HEERF- Student Aid

  • Grants.gov Submission Procedures and Tips for Applicants: PDF (169K)
  • A Guide for how to apply for funding in GRANTS.gov: PDF (170K)
    • Visual aid: PDF (1.2M)
    • How to upload a Workspace PDF (101K)

Letter from the Secretary

CARES Act grant funding cover letter: PDF (138K)

A Certificate of Agreement

CARES HEERF Certification and Agreement: PDF (828K)

Formula allocations

Allocations for Section 18004(a)(1) of CARES Act: PDF (1.28M)

Methodology for Calculating Allocations: PDF (138K)

Student Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions about the Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students PDF (106K)

Internal Revenue Service FAQs regarding Grants under the CARES Act

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