Registration deadline is 11/13/2020 at 11:59PM
Event Date: Wednesday November 25, 2020
Time: 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Pick Up Locations: 1855 University Village Community Center & Union Building
Questions contact: Juan Flores at floresj2@msu.edu or 517-862-1480 Kim Steed-Page at steedkim@msu.edu or 517-884-0195
Thanksgiving Unity Dinner 2020
Traditionally during the Thanksgiving holiday, Michigan State University’s students and college students all over the state and country travel home to enjoy a festive Thanksgiving holiday weekend with friends and family. Some students do so with friends from out of state or other countries in tow, but this year with the current pandemic the energy around Thanksgiving is not the same. We have less students residing on campus and many off campus with limited resources due to the pandemic and social distancing policy. Many of these students need a meal and could greatly benefit from the support of their institution by receiving a meal to celebrate Thanksgiving!
In the fall of 2003, Felipe Lopez, a student who then served as an Aide for our Office recognized this need for a group of students living in the halls. He developed a small program to help students who did not have friends or family with whom to celebrate Thanksgiving at the University receive a meal. At its first occurrence, approximately 30 students participated. Last year more than 500 attended. OCAT brings together members of the faculty, staff and student community serving as volunteers to provide a healthy family friendly event, providing traditional turkey dinners with a variety of side dishes and desserts to student attendees and their family members.
Since its initial occurrence in 2003, each year’s dinner has created more and more enthusiasm from participants as well as volunteers. This year we are partnering with the MSU Student Parents Resource Center and Food Bank to offer distributions sites for students to pick up a meal. Your contribution will enable us to continue our free Thanksgiving Celebration for students. Help OCAT offer an introduction to an American Thanksgiving celebration that brings joy and fellowship to every dinner table.