5:00p.m. – 6:00p.m. (Various dates/locations)
This Edu Abroad program provides students the opportunity to receive academic credit while participating in an internship with a non-governmental organization (NGO) in Malawi. Six of the seven weeks in Malawi are spent in a full-time internship with an NGO. Students will have the opportunity to participate in exciting field excursions while in-country. Course offerings include WS 493 (Women’s & Gender Studies Internship).
- 11/26/18 – 105 Geography
- 1/21/19 – 201 International Center
Treasury internship located in East Lansing. For more information on the treasury position visit this website.
The BWL Internship program offers internships for Engineering, Accounting, and Human Resource Majors. If you are interested in applying for the internship or any of the following jobs below, email BWLJobs@lbwl.com today!Benefits of working with BWL?
- BWL staffs about 750 employed positions that are Professional/Technical/Clerical with about 150 of these positions that need to be replaced within the next few years.
- Average salary is $68,000/year
- Internships in Engineering/Finance/Industrial Hygiene (5 paid internships)
- Internships 15-16 weeks averaging $15/18 an hour
VIEW Job Opportunities:
BWL Admin Assistant
BWL Chemist
BWL Community Relations Coordinator
BWL Customer Service Rep 1
BWL Electrical Engineer
BWL Electrician
BWL IT Analyst
BWL Legal Analyst
BWL Line Worker
BWL Power Engineer
BWL Power Plant Operator D
BWL Records Management Tech
Looking for a new job and a community of amazing people? Join Cap Corps Midwest. This is a 1-year commitment (Detroit, Northern Cheyenne and Crow reservation, and Milwaukee) and 1.5 (Lima). You must be 21+, have a college degree or equivalent experience. You will work full time with a non profit and live in intentional community with others interested in social justice and spirituality. Jobs available in: health and nutrition, education, immigrants right, hunger and homelessness, environmental education, farming, and more! You will receive: FREE room and board with the other volunteers, modest living allowance, health insurance, transportation, training and personal development, community living, retreats and reflection time. Placement sites in: Detroit, Milwaukee, Peru, and with the Northern Cheyenne and Crow people in Montana. We are accepting applications on a rolling basis. Fill out a preliminary form using the following link: www.capcorps.org
Washington, D.C. Paid Internship
The national Phi Beta Kappa office in Washington, D.C. is currently seeking a Communications & Member Engagement Intern and a National Arts & Sciences Intern for the spring. I wanted to pass along these opportunities to you to share with students or recent grads.
• The Communications & Member Engagement Intern will work primarily with our Communications and Chapters & Associations teams to conduct research and develop materials to join the national conversation on advancing the liberal arts and sciences and support the Society’s 290 chapters and 50 associations.
• The National Arts & Sciences Intern will work with our National Arts & Sciences Initiative team to conduct research, develop materials, and join a major advocacy campaign supporting the liberal arts and sciences.
• Both positions will receive a stipend of $3,600 for 12 weeks of work.
• Applications are due December 1, 2019. PBK membership is not required, though preference will be given to PBK members.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me at jross@pbk.org or (202)-745-3273.
MUCC Michigan Out-of-Doors Youth Camp
Contact: To apply for a position, please email Camp Director Max Bass at mbass@mucc.org