
Looking for a job or internship?

OCAT has a number of different job and internship opportunities available for MSU students. These paid positions include Intercultural Aides (compensated for room and board), MAGIC Peer Assistants and Work study (OCAT & MOSAIC Unity Center). In addition, we offer unpaid internships that provide students with a wealth of experience by both job shadowing OCAT Coordinators and participating in the planning of many of our programs. Please contact the OCAT at (517) 353 – 7745 if you would like to learn more about these opportunities.


Please take advantage of other job/internship opportunities available on and off campus:

MSU Concessions:
MSU Concessions offers MSU students a wide variety of fun positions, flexible schedules and an exciting work environment. Benefits include: great pay, free meals during events, training and advancement opportunities, great location (work close to where you live!). Inquire about internship credit opportunities. Contact (517) 353-2005 or email Monday-Friday (8-5pm). Visit website for more information.


MSU Live On Street Team:
Do you love living on? Do you consider yourself a dedicated Spartan? Are you eager to share your “Live On” experience with other students around campus? This could be the perfect opportunity for you! Residence Education and Housing Services is seeking students who are excited about living on campus, energetic, creative, outgoing and who have a strong sense of Spartan Spirit. If this sounds like you, apply today

Live On Street Team members will plan regular events throughout campus and in the heart of the MSU Neighborhoods. They also share their experience through blog posts and social media. This is a paid position and all applicants must have strong communication, social media and event planning skills and thrive in team settings. All applicants must plan to live on campus during the 2014-2015 academic year. 








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