What are students saying about MAGIC?

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“I am a former MAGIC 2018 Week 2 participant and I love all of the resources the OCAT office has provided me with throughout my first two years at MSU. OCAT has presented me with an academic achievement award in Spring semester 2019 and provided me with resources Spring semester 2020 to attend IEM in Oaxaca, Mexico. My younger sister is going to be an incoming freshman to MSU for the Fall semester 2020 and I want her to be able to attend MAGIC. I am forever grateful for MAGIC and all of the opportunities the OCAT office has provided me with and hope that I can pass this sentiment on so that all incoming freshmen get the most out of their college experience.”
– Xabria (MAGIC ’19)
“Since the semester has ended, I’ve had time to look back at my freshman year and reflect on what I’ve learned. When I look at all of the things I have accomplished, I realized that a lot of my success is due to the MAGIC and MERGE programs. MAGIC taught me the importance of consistency and involving yourself within your communities. I became involved with my studies as well as making connections within my career field, which in turn lead me to maintain a 4.0 GPA, admittance into the Honors College, and two internships: one I am completing right now and in Lansing in the fall. As for the MERGE program, I wish I could have been more involved during the second semester. Things got a little crazy however, I am looking forward to the program in a sophomore year!”
– Alexia (MAGIC ’19)
I wanted to thank you personally and all of the members of OCAT for all of the support that you have not only given me but, to anyone who has walked through the office doors. I could have not done this without you! I hope you and all of your loved ones are doing well.
“I enjoyed the MAGIC program so dearly it provided so much beneficial opportunities.”
– Destiny (MAGIC ’18)
“Thank you so much for what you have done with the Magic program as I feel way more confident and knowledgeable about campus starting college than I would have otherwise.”
– Jason (MAGIC ’18)
“The very first day everything was all over the place and i couldn’t room with my friend, but by the third day I met new people and gained long lasting friendships. Now that I am back on campus I am reaching and hanging out with all of my new friends and enjoying our time together. MAGIC has opened my eyes to new people. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to be apart of MAGIC. I would recommend this program to everyone. Thank you so much MAGIC!
– Diamond (MAGIC ’18)
“I would recommend MAGIC because I was exposed to so many new people and new opportunities.”
-Courtney (MAGIC ’18)
I loved MAGIC! Overall it was a great experience and a great way to meet new people who are also new to campus. Granted we went to a lot of sessions but they were really informative about student resources that many people don’t learn about during their first year. To top it off MAGIC was fun! The people you meet, including the faculty and PA’s, really become like family over a weeks time. Its definitely a program I would recommend.
–MeAnna (MAGIC ’17)
“This week has been an eye-opening experience for myself and I thank you all for making this possible. A few key points that I have taken away from the program were the writing sessions, study abroad information and study skills. I have been granted with the opportunity to meet new peers, and thus expanding my network. After attending week two of MAGIC, I feel more confident and motivated that I WILL achieve success at Michigan State University.”
–Jordan (MAGIC ’17)
“Magic has really been one of my favorite experiences in life as a teenager, and I’ve done a lot just to only be 18. I met many great people, learned a lot, and got a greater perspective at things. If I could do magic all over again, I would. Words really cannot describe the love I have for this program. One of my favorite things about [the program] that dawned on me after the Writing in Academia class was that everything you were doing and talking about was purposely preparing us for college, and I felt the way you did that was creative and amazing.”
–Arlaya (MAGIC ’17)
“MAGIC was really helpful in preparing me for my first semester. I would recommend it because it connects you with so many people on campus, like staff and upplercalssmen, who genuinely care about your success.”
– Charlene (MAGIC ’17)
“MAGIC is responsible for a number of the opportunities afforded to me at MSU. Because of MAGIC, I made numerous connections with faculty members and peers that helped me achieve academic success in my first semester and each one that followed. I was able to find spaces where I could engage people of vastly differently background, learn with them, learn about them, and commune with them. Without MAGIC, I would not have establish important connections that would go on to help me with my resume, provide recommendation letters, become an intercultural aide, or plethora of other opportunities I have had because of it.”
– Taylor (MAGIC ’15)
“I met some of my closest friends [in MAGIC] and it prepared me for the networking and overall feel for MSU so that when I got there I was already used to campus and college life.”
– David (MAGIC ’15)
“Class of 2016! Crazy to think I’m an alum now. Magic was one of the biggest stepping-stones. MAGIC class of 2012 has kept me motivated over the years. From my class we had people interning with google, running for Detroit mayor, president of the LGBT alliance. Magic helped me have a network that constantly supported me. I remember we had speaker who talked about you get to invent yourself in college and it’s true. Magic put me in the right direction from the start I knew where my resources were. I knew if I was struggling or if I wanted more what those options were. I don’t think I would studied abroad twice and study away or changed my major to what I love if it wasn’t for magic. Magic made me strive for greatness when I was least expecting it and if it wasn’t for me going through that program I honestly probably would’ve failed out in semester 1. Now I can say I’m a former walk on D1 athlete, I was president of a caucus, I won constituency member of the year when I was president, I was an RA, a success coach, I was featured on yahoo for 3D printing. Stay close with those were in magic because it’ll make you want to strive when you see everyone’s successful. You can’t build a strong community with one leader you need a team.”
– Ashley (MAGIC ’12)
“M.A.G.I.C 2011. where to start I can defiantly say MAGIC was the best program. Before i went to the program i had no idea how big the campus was. I was a little mad when they had us walk the whole campus, but it came in handy when school started I wasn’t walking around campus looking lost. i already knew where my classes were all because of MAGIC. Of course the motivational speakers such as D. Carter and E. Thomas that’s just to name a couple i still use those words they have shared with us to keep me motivated. Also, can’t forget the students that I’ve met through MAGIC when school started i already had friends. there is a lot of great things to say about magic program. I would defiantly recommend for any freshman to participate in it’s a WONDERFUL EXPERIENCES. Loved it!!!!! Thank you MAGIC”
– Netsanet (MAGIC ’11)
“MAGIC was definitely a challenge but it was one that was well worth it. When I got to school in the fall I felt SO much more prepared than the people around me because I had information about so many resources. I credit that all to this program. Plus I met one of my best friends there, along with many other people who I still talk to now. Overall, it played a large role in enhancing my college experience and preparing me for what was ahead of me – all in one week!!“
– Daijah (MAGIC ’10)
“MAGIC was definitely an experience I definitely will not forget! The things we did throughout that week really got me more prepared for my freshman year of college! All of the seminars and sessions were very beneficial! I also learned my way around campus through MAGIC since we walked just about everywhere! Lol I really had a good time and made some great friends while at MAGIC! I Hope that MAGIC keeps on going strong! One day, I hope to be a MAGIC P.A! Maybe Summer 2013! M.A.G.I.C Alum ’10!!!!”
– Joshua (MAGIC ’10)
“MAGIC was definitely a wonderful “before-college” experience. The workshops and the motivational speakers helped tremendously because I always refer or look back at what I learned during that one week I attended MAGIC. Everything in MAGIC was a benefit because from the smallest tips to the campus resources is something that will benefit ANY COLLEGE STUDENT.”
– Shelina (MAGIC ’10)
“I made some great friends from this experience. I met professors that have helped me get into some great programs.”
– Christian (MAGIC ’10)
“MAGIC was an amazing experience. I was able to meet some very important and outstanding people who continue to have a major impact on campus. I was able to come out of my shell around others and be a part of family that really cares about the success of each other. I loved the different activities and sessions we went to throughout the week such as the math and writing sessions and ET’s session about being successful, the list goes on for days. MAGIC was great!!!”
– Orieanna (MAGIC ’10)
“MAGIC 2010!!! WeeK 1..this summer program really got me in a college mindset and prepared me for my freshman year . It totally took me out my comfort zone, MAGIC challenged me. After MAGIC I knew I had some things to work on to make sure I was going to be successful at MSU. For example I had to really work on Time management. MAGIC informed me about all the resources on campus but most of all I met a lot of incredible individuals here. I met some of my really great friends in magic who I am still very close with til this day. My roommate from magic has been my roommate going on 2 years now! With out MAGIC i would of not have been challenged,motivated, have networked with awesome people,involved in the cores groups (CRU, BSA, NAISO, APASO) and other organizations. MAGIC is an AWESOME PROGRAM and has influenced my life as a student and as an individual!!”
– Kelli (MAGIC ’10)
“M.A.G.I.C 2010 Rocks! This entire week was more than just a program. Activities experienced over one week brought more than just an educational and success foundation. Every single discussion time we’ve had with our Peer Assistants, Faculty members shared a variety of experiences from all different people. M.A.G.I.C did an excellent job promoting diversity and differences on Michigan State campus. Everything I’ve undergone throughout that week facilitated and inspired me to hunger on becoming successful. Thank you for the great experience. We’re a family, our differences is something which makes us stand out here at Michigan State University.”
– Thuan (MAGIC ’10)