The Office of Multicultural Enrichment and Advocacy (OMEA) invites you to learn more about our summer transition program for incoming MSU students. For 28 years, MAGIC has been proven to pave the way for success for thousands of students at MSU.
MAGIC 2025 Application is NOW OPEN!
Select either Week 1: July 13-18 or Week 2: July 20-25
**Space available on a first come first serve basis**
MAGIC 2025 Registration Packet | MAGIC 2025 FAQs
MAGIC Testimonials | MAGIC Success Initiative | MAGIC Peer Assistants

Success at MSU begins with M.A.G.I.C.
Incoming Michigan State University students often underestimate the many challenges students face when making the transition from high school to college. Regardless of how successful a student has been in high school, “college” is a new experience. Therefore, helping students learn how to effectively “navigate” through a big university like MSU is critical to a student’s college success.
MAGIC (Maximizing Academic Growth in College) is coordinated by the Office of Multicultural Enrichment and Advocacy (OMEA) and is designed to be a one-week experience for admitted incoming MSU students who have already completed their NSO (New Student Orientation) experience. MAGIC gives students a chance to begin the process of becoming a successful Spartan during the summer, before classes begin in August.
Learning how to effectively navigate MSU is critical to a student’s college success.

What will participants do in MAGIC?
Students will be introduced to academic, cultural, professional and social success strategies. Specifically, students will participate in workshops focused on college success such as “Roadmap to Success,” “Making a Successful Transition to College,” “Living a HEALTHY College Life,” and “Creating an Inclusive Living and Learning Environment.” Students will also network and build relationships with each other, peer mentors, faculty/staff and community partners ALL before the first day of school. When students return to campus, they are ready and prepared for the academic and social rigors of college life.