Free Webinar: A discussion with Adam Kahane

March 28, 2018 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Academy for system change

In this free online webinar, the Academy for Systems Change hosts Adam Kahane in discussion about his most recent book: Collaborating with the Enemy: How to Work with People You Don’t Agree with Or Like Or Trust.

Adam Kahane has faced this challenge many times, working on big issues like democracy and jobs and climate change, and on everyday issues in organizations and families. Collaborating with the Enemy addresses an increasingly central challenge of our time: how we can deal effectively with complex and conflictual situations that we find problematic and want to change, but that—no matter how much we wish to—we cannot change alone or by working only with our colleagues and friends. The book offers a simple framework (“stretch collaboration”) and set of practices (three “stretches”) for working with this kind of situation.

During our free online webinar, Adam will talk through some of his experiences and be ready to answer any questions you have about this area. We suggest reading his book before the call because it will help you get more out of our time together and help to deepen our learning in the conversation. If you choose to do so, you can order a copy from  or from

This free webinar is on March 28, 2018 at 8-9am Pacific Time USA / 11am-12noon Eastern Time USA / 4-5pm GMT


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