APIDA Heritage Month

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month is an opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments while recognizing on-going struggles faced within the APA community on and off campus. OCAT along with faculty, staff, and students come together to plan several cultural and educational events.

Although the officially designated month for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month is May, various MSU departments and student organizations celebrate during the month of April to coincide with the academic calendar.

If you are interested in participating in the Annual APA Heritage Month Planning Committee at MSU, please contact Anna Lin (linanna1@msu.edu).

MSU APIDA Heritage Month is driven by decades of advocacy

APIDA Heritage Month 2021 Events*

*APIDA Heritage month, or more accurately, Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month is officially designated as the month of May. However, members of the MSU APIDA community have chosen to celebrate our heritage in March to coincide with the MSU Academic calendar.


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