A Global Perspectives Symposium: Day Two

April 21, 2018 @ 10:00 am – 6:30 pm
B342 Wells Hall

APRIL 21, 2018

10:00 am    Session 3: Passing Across Generations

                        Moderator: Naoko Wake, MSU

Catherine Ryu, MSU

            “More than Child’s Play: Children’s Self-Fashioning in Kim Ch’ang-Saeng’s ‘Akai mi’

Jonathan Glade, MSU

            “Revealing Difference: Marking Ethnicity in Zainichi Literature

Discussants: Youngju Ryu, University of Michigan & Johanna Schuster-Craig, MSU

12:30 pm     Lunch Break

2:00 pm      Session 4: Seeing, Hearing, Naming Otherness

                        Moderator: Nobuko Yamasaki, Lehigh University

Nayoung Aimee Kwon, Duke University

Politics and Poetics of Passings and Impasses: Japanophone Literature and Kim Saryang

Cindi Textor, University of Utah

“‘Zainichi’ Literature and the Rhetoric of Color-Blindness”

Shoya Unoda, Osaka University

To Pass or to Come Out: On the Identity Politics of Zainichi Koreans in the late 1960s

Discussants: Danny Méndez, MSU & Jyotsna Singh, MSU

4:30 pm      Open Discussion led by Christina Yi, University of British Columbia

6:00 pm      Closing Remarks by Catherine Ryu, Symposium Program Chair, MSU

6:30 pm      Dinner Conversation

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