Latino Student Mentoring Program
Making college an exciting, fulfilling and successful experience to increase retention and graduation of Latino students. The Latino Student Mentoring Program (LSMP) aims to ease the academic and social transition from high school to college for first-year students by connecting them to resources that help with this adjustment.
To find a mentor or to become a mentor, email Juan Flores at floresj2@msu.edu or call (517) 353-7745.
Latino Unidos
Latinos Unidos is a mentoring initiative in collaborations with Migrant Students Services, Neighborhood Student Success Collaborative and the Office of Cultural and Academic Transitions. This program aims to cultivate an engaged support network for Latino Males during their undergraduate experience to improve retention and graduation at Michigan State University. Latinos Unidos has a strong focus on mentoring, leadership development, community engagement, and collective impact, all of which serve to address the goal of enhancing the overall academic success and retention of Latino male students. The primary goal of Latinos Unidos is to provide Latino Male students support and guidance on issues related to both academic and personal development, and to provide a means of knowing when a student needs assistance. Contact Juan Flores (floresj2@msu.edu) or call (517) 353-7745 for more information.
Nibowaakaa Mentoring Initiative
The Nibowaakaa Mentoring Initiative is a new program for interested American Indian/Alaskan Native/Native American & Indigenous students. Participants will be matched for one year, with a peer, faculty, staff or community member. Please contact Emily Sorroche (sorroche@msu.edu) for more information.